Solution: 1) Change the closing date in QuickBooks to be before the date of the transaction and run a configuration sync.

When a Close Date and Password are set in QuickBooks, the password is required for changes that would alter the balances for the closed accounting period.

Reason: This error is generated when the transaction is dated on or before the closing date in QuickBooks. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again. Note that this is applicable only for Vendor Bills, not Card Transactions.Įrror: QuickBooks Message: An attempt was made to modify a CreditCardCredit with a date that is one or before the closing date of the company.

After doing so, run the export again it should transfer successfully at that point. You can change this setting by going to the Integration tab > Integration Setup > Edit Parameters > Expense – set Bill Transaction Date to Export Date > OK to Save. This will change the bill’s posting date to the date that you run the export in Nexonia. Solution: 1) Re-open the month in QBO to allow the expenses to sync, or 2) Change the export settings for the Bill Transaction Date to the Export date.

Reason: The error message is caused by the expenses attempting to export to a closed QuickBooks period. Account Period Closed, Cannot Update Through Services API (ref: ‘1056:7’) Please use the QBO website to make these changes. To view the error messages in Nexonia, click the Integration tab > then click Expense Reports > choose the integration from the drop-down menu if you have more than one > In the Message column on the right, click Failure or Partial Success from the most recent integration log entry.Įrror: QuickBooks Message: 6210 The account period has closed and the account books cannot be updated through the QBO Services API. This article lists common error messages which may be returned from QuickBooks when exporting Nexonia expense data to QuickBooks.